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Photo credit: Imadi
“Every child deserves a childhood.”
That tagline is one of the first things you’ll read upon visiting Imadi’s website. This Washington DC-based organization has made it its mission to support families who have children diagnosed with chronic illnesses or genetic conditions.
The challenges faced by these families are varied and unique and are often too costly without the support of outside help. That’s why the services Imadi provides—case management, patient advocacy, volunteer events, and therapeutic programs—are so important. The best part? This support is provided at no cost to the families!
Financial support for Imadi is critical, and that’s why BlueCares has made a monetary commitment that we firmly stand behind. We wish to see families continuing to receive the support they need, and have their struggles eased—if just a little bit.
Blue Ocean’s commitment is a small portion of the support Imadi needs. We encourage you to learn more and if you’re inclined to make a donation, please know that every penny counts. After all…
Every child deserves a childhood.
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