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Teamwork goes hand-in-hand with leadership. In the spirit of this mindset, we’ve created a non-traditional leadership program for our employees. With our new book club, Blue Ocean Regional Managers meet biweekly to discuss how a selected leadership book is relatable personally, professionally, and with their employees. Once a book is finished, it’s then given to our Property Managers to enjoy.
Here are a few books we’ve been reading:
• Coaching for Improved Work Performance by Ferdinand F. Fournies
• Not Everyone Gets a Trophy by Bruce Tulgan
• Start with Why by Simon Sinek
What’s different about our employee book club is that we actively discuss the importance of coaching and leadership every two weeks. In doing so, our leaders are encouraged to get out of their comfort zones and bounce ideas off one another. By sharing successes and failures to co-workers who express similar daily challenges, we learn from one another and seek to become better leaders, overall.
At Blue Ocean, part of our mission is to bring employees together and encourage a collaborative way of thinking. Our leadership book club helps to foster this mentality and keeps us communicating and learning – all while enjoying each other’s company!
“Alone we can do so little, but together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
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