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During the month of October, Blue Ocean’s community service arm, BlueCares, partnered with ShareBaby by collecting for all infant needs (from pacifiers to playpens) and making a donation to further their ShareBaby’s mission.
Founded in 2014, ShareBaby began as a network of friends––Maya Ammons, Kristin Finkelstein, and Kate Mumaw––who aimed to reduce stress and remove barriers for families by collecting and distributing essential baby items. Today, the volunteer-powered organization operates a 9,000-square-foot warehouse that reliably delivers over 200,000 diapers and other items each month to more than 15,000 Baltimore-area children. Their pantry provides everything from pacifiers to playpens to more than 60 community partners who fulfill wish lists for the areas they serve.
All financial gifts ensure diapers and other items continue to be distributed to the children who need them most.
If you are seeking opportunities to give back, ShareBaby volunteers would love your help. Online registration is required, and slots fill quickly. You can also lend a hand by participating in the Warm Up for Winter campaign from November 1 – November 29, 2022, and share the warmth during their annual coat drive.
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